Advanced Heating and Cooling Technologies
Creating comfortable and healthy indoor environments for building occupants while using the minimum amount of energy, and replacing the use of fossil fuels with renewable energy resources are global challenges. Therefore, our research focuses on improving the energy and resource efficiency and environmental friendliness of heating and cooling systems and the possibility of improving the occupant thermal comfort in buildings.
To achieve this we conduct our research by using novel heating and cooling concepts such as low temperature heating and high temperature cooling systems (e.g. water-based radiant surface heating and cooling systems, chilled beams, use of Phase Change Materials). Furthermore, we focus on their applications in low-energy and plus-energy buildings, integration of renewable energy resources into heating and cooling systems (e.g. solar energy, nocturnal radiative cooling, ground), and thermodynamic analyses to evaluate heating and cooling system performance. Our work includes climate chamber measurements, human subject experiments, field studies, dynamic building simulations, and theoretical analyses.