What can you become?
After completing their studies, graduates with a specialization in Indoor Environment are typically engaged in advising on indoor climate as well as project planning of ventilation and other building installations. They are typically employed with firms of consulting engineers, local authorities and organizations, with manufacturing companies where they work with developing building components and systems, or they conduct research in Denmark and abroad.
Section for Indoor Environment offers courses in basic and advanced indoor climate, ventilation and climatic systems, sustainable heating and cooling of buildings, basic and applied (numeric) building energy technology, thermal building physics, and heat and mass transfer in buildings.
The section offers courses at the following levels:
BSc and BEng courses
MSc courses
PhD course
BEng, BSc, and MSc projects are often carried out as part of the section’s current research and in collaboration with companies engaged in nearly all parts of the construction industry.
An overview of Indoor Climate and Building Physics projects is available